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Foot Massage – For Alternative Healing

Foot Massage – For Alternative Healing

There is no doubt that the biggest benefit of foot massage is that we can cure many of our health problems. It is no exaggeration to say that experienced foot masseuses know the sole as well as others their palms, so they know exactly which points can be stimulated to work effectively against various physical and organic problems. There are tens of thousands of nerve endings on our sole and we can get great results in the treatment of chronic diseases by stimulating them.

A multifunctional treatment with experience of thousands of years!

Basically the beneficial effect of this treatment has been known since the beginning of antiquity. In the fifth millennium BC in ancient Egypt people performed a massage on their feet for healing purposes. The beneficial therapy began to widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century, while nowadays foot massage is known almost everywhere and it is used as a popular treatment form of alternative healing.

You can find a solution for many problems!

With foot massage you can treat and prevent many illnesses. It is incredible but there are nearly 70,000 nerve endings on a small surface like our sole! Due to the extremely rich neural network from our central nervous system to our internal organs is connected to almost all areas of our body, we can stimulate any part of our body by massaging our feet on their matching points.

While massaging the areas close to the toes we can have positive effect on the upper body parts as well as the internal organs (eg. lungs, heart, stomach, etc.), in areas closer to the heel we can treat problems with legs, knees, basins and urethra. But with the pressure on the reflex zones of the foot, pancreas, thyroid and metabolic diseases can be cured as well as bladder and kidney disorders.

Discover the benefits of reflex massage!

The essence of foot massage is to stimulate the body to respond, i.e. to the production of reflexes. In case of healthy people the sole’s massaging will only be a good feeling while those who suffer from some kind of illness the body will respond with pain reactions. However, with the help of massages performed by an expert we can cure illnesses related to the given area and force the self-healing mechanisms of the body to work.

Take into consideration that because of its intensity, foot massage is not recommended to everyone. Such a case may be if your feet are inflamed or have varicose veins. Fungal infections on the foot, heavily swollen and broken legs may also prove to be an excuse. Massage is also contraindicated in patients with cancer. In brief, if you are facing any of the problems above, please contact your doctor before starting the treatment.

Dear guests! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that any kind of massage services are provided for relaxation. Therefore, none of our massage types include the provision of sexual services. Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a massage full of relaxation and experience!

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