Best Erotic Massage Budapest
First Erotic Massage
in Budapest
Since 1998

Slider massage – Incarnated eroticism

Would you like to experience the perfect sensuality? Slider massage provides an elemental experience where you will feel all parts of your body as an erogenous zone. The erotic pampering performed by our skilled masseur will have a stimulating effect both on your body and soul.

We offer body and soul caress!

It is no secret that those who choose slider massage can experience a high degree of sensation. Erotic pampering will move all your body parts from neck to toe. During the slider massage you will be massaged by the naked body of our colleague. Soft and stunning moves will help you to relax and the constant touch of her body will have a beneficial effect not only on your physical but on your mental state as well.

You will be guaranteed by a lascivious experience!

The most important part of every slider massage is the oil. First, your masseuse will completely coat her own body and your body with oil. The aphrodisiac made from selected and natural ingredients will not only give you a pleasant feeling on your skin but it also helps performing the body to body massage more easily.

All your pores and cells will feel the lascivious experience because your body is in contact with the masseur’s shapes during the entire massage session. Nothing compares to the feeling when the soft bumps of our colleague go through your entire body. The satisfying experience is made complete by the attention and dedication of our masseuse and the constant physical contact will keep you in pleasant mental state.

We are going to the school of senses!

Like all massages, slider massages have many beneficial physiological effects as well. We recommend this unusual experience especially for those who would like to treat well their body and soul. The slider massage will simultaneously have a sedative effect on the nervous system and eliminate the feeling of fatigue. Repeated gestures will stimulate the circulation and the erotic massaging of the whole body can help your body to detoxify.

We are sure that after a good sliding massage you will feel fresh and new both physically and mentally. Discover the school of senses, which will be a satisfying and exciting experience for you at the same time!

We would like to call our dear guests’ attention that erotic and other kind of massages in our salon are for relaxation purposes only. We do not offer any kind of sexual service during the massages. Please do not hesitate to respect all the information here.

Therapeutic massage – With therapeutic touches

It is no secret that the ancient Greeks had treated the rheumatic pain with the beneficial massage. This lead to the evolution of the therapeutic massage that utilizes the millennium-old knowledge of the Western world in order to ease the pain in the patient’s muscles and joints. These therapeutic movements, however, are able to deal with a large number of problems in the areas affected by massage. Last but not least, the treatment can help you reach and maintain well-being that everyone can experience in choosing our healing massage service.

Massage in the service of healing

Like Swedish massage, therapeutic massage is a European invention and even the basics used during the therapy are similar. However, in contrary to the versatile method of the Nordic people, therapeutic massage will focus on specifically those areas where the patient’s complaints have arisen. In several cases, this treatment is used with therapeutic medication but the therapy itself can provide good service in reducing muscle and joint pains or curing rheumatism.

As the treatment is less intensive than the Swedish massage, these therapeutic contacts can practically be applied to all people. Still, it is worth asking the doctor’s opinion before starting a massage. If we are aware of which parts of the body have problems, then massaging can be more effective.

We offer solutions for a lot of problems!

Medical massage can be an effective remedy for problems in several parts of our body. A beneficial therapy can primarily have the following positive effects:
• Effective movements increase body temperature and contribute to deep breathing.

• Therapy reduces muscle and joint pain and eliminates the muscle insertions in our body, i.e. myalgia muscle knots.

• Treatment is recommended especially for those who have pain in their neck, shoulders, or backs due to continuous sitting work.

• Significant improvement can be achieved with congenital and orthopedic problems resulting from bad posture.

• Therapeutic massage is both recommended in case of insomnia and digestive problems.

• Relaxing touches can help relieving stress and generally improve your overall feeling.

• Those who exercise regularly or do heavy physical work all day cannot miss this treatment. For them healing massage is recommended for preventing possible injuries and a faster recovery of their muscles.

Dear Visitor! Please note that all our massage salon services are for relaxation purposes only. Consequently, no type of massage includes the provision of a sexual type of service. Thank you for not having this kind of service from our colleagues!

Maori Massage – Joyful dance for body and soul!

Imagine how you lie on the beach of a remote country and your body is surrounded by the aura of tranquility. The stress of everyday life is gone and you can finally give yourself the perfect harmony. The Maori massage offers you nothing but peace and its secret is the simple love and devotion we perform it with. Are you ready to dedicate yourself to the fantastic experiences?

Pleasure for thousands of year’s experience!

The natives living in Polynesia already knew the secret of this massage. Although European people often refer to the inhabitants of this archipelago as “primitive peoples”, Polynesians have left us a wonderful gift. As a matter of fact, in this remote country people developed the technique that allowed them to balance both their bodies and souls thousands of years ago. Today Maori massage uses the knowledge of New Zealand Maori to provide a full indulgence to body and soul.

A special dance – with extraordinary experiences!

It is not by chance that the Maori massage is called the dance of the body. During the period of the whole treatment we use a mixture of flowing and smoothing movements. However, this massage is not done with the palm or the fingers but with the forearm. Compared to other treatments, the body parts to be massaged come into contact with a larger surface, so it is much easier to achieve the beneficial effects of the massage.

Despite the fewer pressures and more smoothing movements, we can recommend this type of massage for everyone. During the treatment we do not use such intensive strokes that would be contraindicated in some diseases.

Effective regeneration and rejuvenation for your skin!

One of the most important features of the Maori massage is the rejuvenating effect on the skin. The movements done on your naked body tend to tighten the skin and provide it with a silky touch.

Since massage can last up to one and a half hours, you can perfectly fill your body with vitamins important for your skin. Thanks to Maori’s knowledge, you can relax your muscles perfectly and your joints can regenerate.

We give you the perfect harmony!

Mauri massage is more than a simple series of movements: it is a philosophy, which aims to balance your whole body and soul. During the massage there will be music and dance will be performed on your body following the rhythm. The movements of our experienced masseurs will be in perfect harmony with the music during the entire treatment. The atmosphere of the distant islands is incompleted by heated oils used for treatment, which help in the detoxification of your body and soul at the same time.

Dear guests! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of our treatments in our salon are for relaxation purposes only. Sexual service is not offered under any circumstances. Thank you very much for your full respect. We wish you a relaxing and enjoyable massage!

Dreamhouse Erotic Massage Budapest